At Signal Hill Petroleum, health and safety are of upmost importance. To maintain an outstanding health and safety record, our company works closely with the City, County, State, and Federal agencies or departments to successfully comply with regulations. Listed below are the following agencies that regulate the oil and natural gas industry.
As an urban oil company, Signal Hill Petroleum is predominantly focused on protecting the environment we are in. We believe that by being good neighbors, everyone benefits. Our company regularly maintains and inspects our wells. Our team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In the Signal Hill/Long Beach area, we have opportunities to preserve unique ecosystems. Through our support of the Los Cerritos Wetlands preservation and restoration, along with our participation in the Willow Springs Park, our company has been able to contribute to projects that uphold our values of sustainability and of a being a responsible member of the community.
Below are the different regulatory agencies the company is regulated by.
- Federal
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Department of Interior
- Bureau of Land Management
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Bureau of Safety and Environment Enforcement
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife
- Department of Energy
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- State
- Natural Resources Agency
- Department of Conservation
- Division of Oil, Gas, Geothermal Resources (DOGGR)
- California Air Resource Board (CARB)
- Cal EPA
- State/Regional Water Quality Control Boards
- State Fish & Game
- Public Utilities Commission
- California Energy Commission
- State Lands Commission
- State Fire Marshall
- Board of Equalization
- Coastal Commission
- Local
- Air Districts (South Coast Air Quality Management District)
- Cities
- Counties
- Planning Department
- Fire Departments
- Environmental Health Departments
- Treasurer/Assessor/Tax Collector